• Trusted for


  • Tested for


  • Built for

    peace of mind

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Providing peace of mind

From the standard Cubelock Restrictor to the Cubelock Premier Double Key Restrictor, all of the Cubelock range of Window Restrictors meet and exceed BS EN 13126-5:2011 so you can be sure of secure and safe windows for adults and children.


For the home

Our Cubelock window restrictors are designed to keep children safe from falls and to provide peace of mind for parents.

  • SAFE

    All Cubelock Window Locks are tested for quality and strength by an independent testing authority.


    The right window safety locks for your windows may prevent falls from heights, without limiting ventilation.


    Once Cubelock locks are in place, you can open and close your window to the restricted position without using a key every time.


    The simple installation and ease of use makes Cubelock the most convenient and affordable window restrictors in the world.


    Cubelock gives you the flexibility to open your window to its full extent, or lock the restrictor permanently in one position.


    Our range includes some of the smallest and strongest window safety restrictors available – specifically designed to help maintain window function, design and integrity.

We are here to help

Find out how Cubelock can help with your requirement.

Call our Team on (01474) 353111